General Terms and Conditions

Governing Law

Mon Bien S.R.O., headquartered in Praha – Nusle, Jaromírova 158/54, PSČ 128 00, IČO: 03616541, and registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 234664, adheres to the terms and conditions Mon Bien has established for all its events and services.
This contract shall be governed in accordance with the law of the Czech Republic and the parties shall submit to the
Jurisdiction of the Czech Courts in Prague. Only Mon Bien S.R.O reserves keeps the right
to waive this rightthis condition and adhere to the jurisdiction of the courts, in whichwhere
the customer’s office is located.

Payment Terms

Prior to the completion of your registration, full payment is required within
5 (five) (5) business days from the registration’s date. Payment must shall be well received
by us 10 (ten) business days prior tobefore the event; otherwise, Mon Bien S.R.O. reserves
keeps the right to refuse the access to the event.

Contract and Cancellation Policy

Mon Bien S.R.O. enforces a 50% cancellation liability for all registrations upon receiving a signed registration form.

If you cannot attend the event, you may substitute delegates at no extra charge. Ensure full payment is complete and submit a written notice of substitution at least 10 business days before the event.

Cancellation and Credit Policy

If you need to cancel after making full payment, submit a written cancellation request at least 10 business days before the event. Upon meeting this condition, you will receive an 80% credit note, valid for one year, applicable to any Mon Bien S.R.O. event. The remaining 20% covers the registration processing fee. Regardless of attendance, you will still receive the event’s documentation package, accordingly to the general terms and conditions by Mon Bien.

Event Cancellation by Mon Bien S.R.O.

In the unfortunate event that Mon Bien S.R.O. cancels or postpones the event, customers will be entitled to a 100% refund. However, Mon Bien S.R.O. is not liable for any additional claims, costs, or expenses resulting from such cancellations. Refunds will only cover the value of the original booking.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Mon Bien S.R.O. retains all intellectual property rights for materials produced or distributed in connection with this event. Duplication, distribution, or publication without authorization is strictly forbidden. Czech law governs all intellectual property matters.

Data Privacy and Protection

By registering for an event, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as submitted in the registration form. Mon Bien S.R.O. will handle your data confidentially and use it solely for internal purposes. We ensure the protection of your personal information in full compliance with Law No. 101/2000.

Mon Bien S.R.O. will never sell, distribute, or make your personal information available to third parties without your consent. Additionally, by registering, you agree to receive information regarding future events relevant to your field. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to

Force Majeure

Mon Bien S.R.O. strives to ensure all speakers and topics are confirmed before the event. However, in exceptional cases, unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, war, or extreme weather may require modifications or substitutions to the event’s speakers or topics. Mon Bien S.R.O. reserves the right to modify the event agenda without liability. We will inform attendees of any changes to the event details through our website and other channels. Mon Bien S.R.O. will not be held liable for any additional claims or costs arising from such modifications, as stated in the general terms and conditions provided by Mon Bien.

Final Notes

Mon Bien S.R.O. carries no liability for extraordinary circumstances beyond its control, such as acts of God, natural disasters, war, or other extreme conditions that hinder the performance of the event.